In WhatsApp photography, we usually put our own photos. Whether you are one of those who put the photo when the application was installed or if you change it every week, the most common thing is that we have an image that reminds our contacts who we are, in which we appear. 

But not always. And if you are looking for alternatives, we look for the best images and profile photos for WhatsApp, the most original that you can find on the Internet if you want to change yours.

The best profile pictures to use on WhatsApp

You may not want to put a photograph in which you appear or that you have taken, for whatever reason. In that case, you can search for an image on the Internet of something that represents you, something that you like ... Beautiful photos for your WhatsApp profile or funny and original photos that your contacts can see when they talk or look for you.

Who sees your profile picture?

The first thing we have to take into account is who sees your profile picture on WhatsApp. You can configure it from the messaging application to decide who does and who does not see it, preventing strangers with your phone from seeing it. 

If you do not put a photo of yourself because you do not want strangers to see it, just configure the application so that this does not happen. No one will see it unless you decide.

To do this, you will have to follow these steps:

  • Go to your WhatsApp application
  • Tap on the three dots in the upper right corner
  • Go to the application settings
  • Click on the Account section
  • From here, open the Privacy section
  • You can change three parameters or options:
  • Last time
  • Profile picture
  • Info
  • State
  • Tap on profile picture
  • Choose who can see it
  • Everybody
  • My contacts
  • Nobody

So nobody or only your contacts will be able to see what WhatsApp image you have put . Also remember that if you block someone, they will not see what photo you have put but neither your connection time nor will you receive messages from them.

How to change your profile picture

To change the avatar in WhatsApp, the steps we must follow are very simple and it will only take a few seconds. It is important that before following these instructions you have located the new image you want to put on.

  • Open your WhatsApp application
  • Go to the three points in the upper right corner
  • Open the Settings section
  • Go to the top, where your name and your profile picture
  • Tap on the profile picture
  • Your profile will open large
  • Tap on the camera icon that you will see under the circle of your image
  • Three options will appear
  • Delete picture
  • Gallery
  • Camera
  • Choose "Gallery" and look for the image you wanted to put as a WhatsApp photo
  • It will automatically switch, instantly, for all your contacts

Resize for WhatsApp photos

One way to find beautiful photos for your WhatsApp profile and free is to go to Google. You look for the theme that interests you and a large number of images will be available for you. 

But we found a problem: how we fit it into the application circle so that what we like is completely centered.

Well, use specialized applications such as WhatsCrop, an application in which you choose the image you want from the gallery, and automatically center it so that it fits within the circle of the messaging application. 

It is very easy to use and it is free. You can choose the size with which the image is displayed and if there are excess spaces on the sides or at the top and bottom, we can put a colored or textured background to make it more pleasant.

Make your own original images

There are many online tools that allow you to make your own original and beautiful profile photos for WhatsApp without having to resort to other ones that you may see that someone has already uploaded. 

You can include a quote that represents you and look for a landscape on free download photo pages. 

Using a website specialized in the design, you can write the phrase you want about the landscape and thus you will have an original WhatsApp image that is different from the others, unique.

One such tool is, for example, Canva. You can choose a post for Instagram (you will get a square image) and search among all the templates available in the online service or in the free application for iOS and Android. 

Write whatever you want using the text tool and include an original background. You can try hundreds of available templates and try the one you like the most.

If you do not know what to write in your "creation", you can resort to some pages such as Phrases for Photos that will serve as inspiration for your status or for your profile image if you are not sure what you want to put or how you want to put it.

Add frames and effects to your profile picture

If what you want is to put a selfie of yourself or a photograph of your cat or your grandchildren, you can also get a more beautiful and original WhatsApp profile image than the photo put as you have done it. 

The website has an exclusive section with frames for profile photographs or with effects to add to your selfies or self-portraits. You just have to choose the frame you want and add the image from the gallery of your mobile or computer. 

You will not only find frames as such but also filters to add your football team, the flag of your team or your country, or any other ornament that will make it different. 

The result will automatically appear that you can download and use in the WhatsApp application or in the one you want. It has all kinds of frames not only for WhatsApp but with Instagram-type filters, retro photomontages, lights, and colors ...


Pinterest is usually always the page that we recommend if you are looking for photographs of any kind because it will allow you to find practically anything. 

Just search for the theme you want or simply search for "images for WhatsApp" and you will find thousands of options or pins available. 

On Pinterest you can not only search as such "for WhatsApp" but you can search for inspiring images, encouraging phrases, for photographs ... Thousands and thousands of options will appear in all colors and all sizes and you can download whatever you want. You can also create your own pinboard to always keep them close at hand.

On Pinterest, you will also find folders or boards created exclusively for this purpose: with WhatsApp profile photos already prepared to download and place. 

Reflections, phrases ... We leave you some of the best boards that we have found so that you can find one that suits what you want to put.