WhatsApp already officially allows you to cancel messages that you have sent, although it only gives a margin of seven minutes from when you pressed the Send button. 

Thanks to the trick that we explain below, you can delete any message that you have sent by WhatsApp up to five days later.

This trick allows you to skip the limit set by WhatsApp

Trying to get to the point, we have to clarify several aspects of this trick to delete old WhatsApp messages sent several days ago. For starters, the limit is five days; furthermore, the application will give you an error and will not allow you to delete them as indicated by the discoverers' website. It is much more than the official seven minutes and it should certainly be enough margin.

In addition, we are also forced to clarify that this anomaly is due to the inability of WhatsApp to know what time it is if it is not connected to the network. When you disconnect your mobile from the Internet, the messaging application simply trusts what your device says. If it tells you that it is December 21, 1984, you have no choice but to believe it.

It is not known for how long it will be possible to "cheat" the app in this way, although for now, you can exploit the flaw as much as you want. It works on iOS and Android.

Activate Airplane Mode and completely close WhatsApp

The first thing you have to do to be able to delete WhatsApp messages days after sending them is to activate Airplane Mode. You can do it from the Settings or directly from the notification bar. Both on iOS and Android it is something you can do in just five seconds.

If you don't completely disable your wireless connections, you won't be able to make the application believe that the date and time are completely different. In the attached image you can perfectly see that we did this on November 3 at 12:03.

In the case of Android, it is necessary to close the application "killing" it from the Settings and Applications. There select WhatsApp and click Close or Force Close. Depending on the version of the OS you have, you get to this menu in one way or another.

How to delete old WhatsApp messages

Change the date and time of your device

Now that your mobile and WhatsApp have been completely disconnected from the Internet, it is time to carry out the deception. You have to go to the Date and Time Settings and deactivate the automatic time. This option is what makes, for example, your mobile update the time when it touches, taking as a reference the time provided by the network.

You can change the date up to five days before and delete WhatsApp messages without problems. Never again, because the application will detect that there is an error with the date and will prevent you from canceling what you have written.

In the image that we attach in this section, you can see how the date and time change is effective on an Android device. On the iPhone, it can be done too.

Delete any WhatsApp message up to five days later

Now you have made WhatsApp believe that you are on a completely different date from the real one. Also, the app has no way of verifying that it is being cheated. This means that you can freely enter and delete any message you have sent in the last days without any problems.

Up to five days later you can delete the WhatsApp message you want, but remember: do not deactivate Airplane Mode until you have done so. If you still don't trust, take a look at the screenshot that we put down below. As you can see, the message that we deleted was sent at 10:42 a.m. and we deleted it at 12:05 p.m., of course, the app thinks we are on November 1 and not on November 3.